Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Birthday party

My daughters' father is being very nice. My daughter just turned nine years old. He had my whole family over his house for a party.

He bought pizza, cake and all the drinks. We had a good time celebrating her party.

Now I am by myself and I find myself wondering where we went wrong. I find myself really liking him again and wondering if things could ever work out between us. I guess this is what they call the honeymoon stage.

1 comment:

  1. Iv'e had similar thoughts about my daughter's father. Although he's never evan met her and for good reason I often wonder if things could have been different. I think it's quite normal to feel this way. I guess your the only person that really knows if it could work I suppose it depends on the reason you broke up to begin with. Your not alone.

    Kate and Lilly
